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Showing posts from July, 2007


That's how I'm feeling..just..blah. It's raining (again!) outside, and I'm hoping it doesn't rain next week when we take the kiddos to Six Flags. They've been waiting for this trip for a long, long time. And so have I, and J too ;) JJ and J have never been there, while I've been dozens of times in my life, and Ry has been once. So we're pretty hyped up about going. That's about the only bright spot in my life right now. Got a letter from a lawyer in town that the bank is intending to sue me over a loan that I took out with George (late husband). I thought once they repo'ed the 2 cars that were part of the collateral, that'd be it and the rest would just go on my already-shabby credit report, and then it'd go into collections where I'd try to make measly little payments each month. So now I'm wondering, if they can indeed sue me and garnish my disability check? I'm pretty sure they can't take any money out of the boys' ...

End of summer almost near...

Woooohooo can you hear it? I can. It's the sound of parents happily buying school supplies and clothes. Wait...what's that you say? You don't get happy about buying school stuff? Think about it this're buying not just tools for your child's education, but tools for your PEACE and sanity to return for a little while. Now I love my kids, really I do. But having a summer full of nothing but RAIN has driven them and me a bit batty. I promised at the first of June to set up their pool. Then the end of June. By mid-July we realized it wasn't happening. So we'll probably end up going to the lake if we catch a sunny day sometime to go swimming. Of course with this "break" in sight, comes a bit of melancholy. Ry's going to 5th grade, and JJ's (yes JJ, his new nickname as my youngest niece can't pronounce his full name and we think it's cute) going to 2nd. And my oldest niece, who seemingly was only born just a few months ago, is st...


My how things have changed since my last blog. I need to keep this on my "to-do" list and check in more often, if anyone actually reads this. My husband died 2 days after Christmas '05. I did a tribute to him here . The boys have coped with the loss so very differently. Ry's very emotional and has been hospitalized at Brentwood twice, and BHC once, since his death. My boy just doesn't know how to deal with it. Jake on the other hand, is very non-emotional about it. He sheds a tear or two when we visit the cemetary, but then he's over it and ready to go. He's very...cold? indifferent? when we talk about George at home. Life is...different... without George. I don't miss the fighting, or the affairs, or any of the "bad" stuff, but I miss talking to him. I miss the George I fell in love with. The George who cried the day our children were born and told me I looked beautiful right after delivering them. Sometimes I feel like Ryan, and ...