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So I'm sitting here at work...

I'm bored out of my mind. The calls are slow, and we'll probably get sent home early again. Hard to do overtime when they're sending you home early!
I have to say, this work at home gig is pretty cool. Sit in my jammies, not shower for a few days if I don't want to, no makeup, no fancy clothes, and talk to customers. Overtime if I want it, more cash in my pockets. What's not to like?

Heh. Too easy of a question. Through my own independent studies, I have concluded that New Jerseyians are born and bred to be rude. No offense to any of my Jersey readers out there, but that queue/area is the most dreaded one to be put into. Everyone groans when they're put in that queue. We bribe supervisors to get us out of it. Everyone that calls in is a screaming psycho and it's our fault that their internet has not worked for two weeks yet they decide to wait until 1 a.m. to call it in, and want a tech out the very next morning. Not happening, folks.

Now to be fair, it's not just Jersey. We get a few other crazies from other areas too. But there ain't nothing like Jersey. Do us all a favor and cut us some slack. We're sitting in our pj's, sipping tea or hot chocolate, or if it's a bad night, a bottle of Grey Goose is on the desk. We do care about getting your service restored. We don't care for your potty mouths and telling us we don't know what we're doing. If you know it all, then fix it yourself! Why bug me when I'm reading my Kindle?

I can't mention the company's name I work for, or the client we contract for, because I'm not so stupid as to get fired over it. I really do love my job. But sometimes in the customer service industry, you just gotta let it out sometimes.

Back to the phones, looks like playtime is over. Where's my Grey Goose?


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