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Another one under my belt...

I seem to have a habit of blogging sporadically in huge lumps of life rather than dishing it out a little at a time. It's not that I don't have anything to say, I'm just too busy to say it :)
So what has happened since my last post seems. Well, my ex-boyfriend moved out, that was a good/bad thing. Good in that it ended peacefully and I have my house and sanity back, and bad in that now I'm the one doing *everything* by myself, and frankly that scares me. I'm not too fond of getting up every single morning at 6 a.m. to ge the kids ready for school, either, but at least for now I do get to crash back in my chair after they're gone for a brief nap.

I finished college in August, got my Associate's Degree and even graduated with honors. First in my family on both parental sides to go to college and get a degree. What I'm going to do with a degree in Medical Billing and Coding now is anyone's guess. I haven't had much luck but with the economy and the state of employment as it is, it's not really a surprise. I am just going to have to start small and work my way up somewhere. I do have one option open to me right now, but won't hear anything back until Friday.

Well I have decided that this was the last Mom n Me cub scout campout I would be spending the night at. I took Jake and off we went bright and early Saturday morning. So early in fact, that I had to pull off the side of the road and sleep for 30 more minutes because I was doing a weaving dance down the highway. I didn't think the oncoming traffic would appreciate finding me on their side of the road. We get there and get the tent set up, and my brand new air mattress (double stack twin size) inflated. I need a bigger tent but I have 3 already and I'm tired of buying tents trying to find the perfect one.

All the events were fun, and I had a great time. I had a moderate case of heat exhaustion which triggered an asthma attack, but a few bottles of water later and I was ok. Jake and I even caught 2 perch down at the fishing hole. His was embarrassingly larger than mine. He did good at the archery, using a compound bow, hitting the target 3 times to my 2. BB guns he didn't do as hot at, he did ok but not great. Both boys have decided they'd like a bb gun for Christmas however, so that's in the planning. I just need to decide between pistol or rifle.

Anyways, fast forward to Saturday night of the campout. It was after 10pm, I'd taken everything but my sleeping pill (which I forgot and really didn't want to take anyway because I didn't want to be too groggy the next day), and I was settling down into the mattress for a cool night under the stars.


I couldn't get comfortable. When I first laid down, I thought "Ah now this is good." Except I don't sleep on my back, so that thought lasted all of 10 minutes. I discovered I didn't inflate the thing to full firmness, so I kept rolling from side to side. I flipped (struggled) to my side/stomach, where it wasn't much better. I still couldn't go to sleep. I had this problem when I went camping with Ry too, not being able to go to sleep. I laid there for who knows how long before I finally ended up in a fitful sleep.

Then Mother Nature tapped my shoulder at 4 a.m. Or rather, my bladder. Jumped on it full force. Stupid me had taken a diuretic that morning (DUH!) and not realized what it was going to do to me that night. I groped blindly for my glasses and shoes, and fell out of the tent in a mad dash. I knew I wasn't going to make the bathroom stall just a few yards away, so I ditched behind the tent quietly and let 'er rip.

Not too quietly, apparently. Jake woke up (actually I think he was talking in his sleep somewhat) and VERY loudly whispered "MOM, where are you? What are you doing?? MOM" and no matter how much I tried to shush him, he just kept it up. I finally told him I was headed to the bathroom and to be QUIET and go back to sleep. Finished my business and crawled back into the tent. Another fitful sleep for 3 hours until I woke to the sounds of the campsite, where mothers were fast-and-furiously breaking camp. We missed chapel service by 5 minutes, and by the time we got everything loaded up, I bribed Jake with a donut "or something like it" on the road rather than making the trek to the other end of camp for breakfast. We started the long haul to the car (with Jake pulling the wagon and me pushing along and steadying everything from behind) and made it home. I slept well that night, no sleep aid needed. And decided that my overnight camping would be a rare thing.

I'm still battling the insomnia, but I have cut caffeine out (goodbye Sonic sweet tea) and seem to have an easier time of it. I started taking melatonin and that helps tremendously as well. The odd thing is I lie there in bed thinking "Am I asleep yet? Why can't I sleep? Am I going? Am I dreaming?" as I toss and turn. I actually try to analyze whether I'm asleep or awake, and it drives me insane! Maybe after some more nights of restful sleep I won't worry about it so much.

I guess that's all for now. I've met someone new but we're in the very new beginning stages. We're still at the "just talking as friends" stage, haven't even went out on a date yet. He's out of state for a few more days, and then we'll see where we're headed from there. He's really a nice guy, likes kids, very down to earth and old fashioned like me. I'm just taking it nice and slow, one day at a time and seeing what happens.


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