Famous last words. For six months last year, I endured pain in my foot that I thought was never going to end. Four surgeries in six months, I thought "Hey, it's over..whew"..little ache here and there, thought "oh just healing pains.." Here I am almost 2 years since the first surgery, and this thing f'ing HURTS. Like swelling up to double it's size hurts. Go to a different DPM, and guess what? Foot was never fixed! Awww hell naw, not another surgery..."Yes'm, 'fraid so.." the doc says..."But this one will hopefully fix everything and get it all healed." HOPEFULLY??? After much go-round and thinking, I went for it...Oh. Mother of God. The Pain. It did not hurt this bad at any point last year. I've got this heavy huge f'ing cast almost to my knee, the top of my foot feels like it's been beaten with a ball peen hammer, and then I've got "The Itch." Ya know, the one spot you feel like you're going to ...
Apparently I snore so loudly that it scares everyone in the car I'm driving. Intelligence is like an underwear. It is important that you have it, but not necessary that you show it off. Welcome to my world...