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How many cellular agents does it take to sink a state?

Not a good way to start off a blog I suppose, but I just got home from work, and I swear I'd like to help the ocean dump California off the map. I work for a certain cellular company, in the activations department, which means I get to help agents on the West coast activate, among other things, phones for our 4-million-and-growing customers. The only problem with this is that about 1 out of ever 3 I talk to is either named Pablo, Abdul, Chong, or Little Johnny still in high school. Now before you call me a racist, shut your pie hole and listen. I deal with all kinds of crap for 11 hours a day and don't need yours. How HARD is it, really, to read a screen and follow the directions? Do you REALLY need me to stay on the phone with you FIFTEEN MINUTES so you can press four little buttons to see if a phone is activated? I don't even talk to my MOM fifteen minutes at a time, do I really want to listen to you jacking around with your buddies while you play with this phone for that long????? And yes, we DO laugh at you after we hang up, and yes we have "agent horror stories" sharing-time. It's a good stress reliever to laugh at the sheer ignorance of that many people concentrated in one location.
And for you complete morons that think cursing at us or getting major 'tude helps your case, WrOnG-o BuCk-O. Gives us great pleasure to hit the "Release" aka "Drop the asshole into the great black void of nothingness" button. You only prove my point of stupidity. Actually these guys are pretty good to have fun with, so maybe we oughta leave them be. I enjoy screwing with their heads a little...
So for a little English lesson....It's ZERO...repeat ZERO, not JERO, not ERO. ZZZZZZero. We count one two THREE, not tree. A tree has leaves and branches and birdies that shit on you when you walk under em. When you're giving me a number you'd better damn well know how to say it. TREE, JERO and FIE do not fit in my billing system. Live in our country, speak our language. Correctly, please.
I did this a little bass-ackards, giving a vent before an intro but I'm tired and in pain and just really don't care. So deal with it. Peace. And cell phones!


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