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Hey! The village needs their idiot back!

Thank God I'm going to be on leave soon. I need a break from the "poop in the gene pool" of life. Yesterday, I got wrote up on some incredibly inane thing, and yes I think it was a personal thing. Other supervisors said they wouldn't have done it, would've let it slide because I'm a "good employee." But whatever. So I've been having fun taking it out on the agents. *snicker* The ones that just slllaaaayyy me are the idiots such as Abdul (not his real name but hell they're all the same and we can't be doing any slandering now can we?) who called me this morning and wanted me to run about 3 applications for him. I inquired as to whether he had our proprietary software for agents to run their own apps. "Why yes, but you can do it for me" he replied. After last night, this was NOT the best thing to say to me. I told good ol' Abdul that he was quite capable of doing it himself, and that we weren't his babysitters to sit around and hold his hand through his job, and hey if I do it for him, would he send me his commission for it? He tried to call ME lazy, said we were all lazy, and I was so blown away by the sheer hilarity of it that I couldn't even get out the words "Eat curry and die." I finally managed the words "No, agents like yourself who have the software in front of their face but can't be bothered to do it themselves are lazy." And of course he hung up and most likely called someone else to whine to. GET A CLUE, We're NOT here for YOU. We never stop working for the CUSTOMER, not for lazy Abduls who think we should do their every bidding.
Morons. It's amazing that they managed to find a few smart enough to destroy some of our nations most treasured landmarks but they can't navigate a simple computer system. Go figure.
And no, I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally, just for the record.


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