Gonna keep this short and sweet because I feel just the opposite. I've been feeling a little dizzy for about a week or so, and finally called the doctor. So I go in for some bloodwork, and pass smooth out in front of the hospital. That earned me a nice long visit in the ER. Couldn't even go pee by myself. They got my MRI from a few years back when this happened and did a CT scan on me. Looks like the hydrocephalus they found about 3 years ago is up to it's old tricks again. Couldn't tell much except that their was definitely pressure from fluid buildup on the brain stem (oh? so THAT is why I feel like my head is about to split wide open? Gee I would've never guessed...) and an "indeterminate area" of "something" on the right side of my brain. How comforting. So all I know for now is that I'm dizzy, I'm sleepy because of the meds they've got me on, and at the same time can't sleep because I'm edgy and have to pee every 30 minutes because of the diuretics I'm on to attempt to relieve some of the pressure. So it's another MRI for me next week. Have you ever been in one of those sliding coffins? The first one I had was an "open" MRI, which is an oxymoron. Get a Jason-style mask slapped on you and shoved between two giant steel hamburger buns. I can only imagine the horror of a closed casket--I mean, MRI.
I will try to keep this page updated as I can but it's only possible right now for me to sit here for about an hour at a time, because I get that edgy yet sleepy feeling...ugh. I wanted to beg em to drill a hole in my head and just let it get out on it's own. The doctor was not amused.
Waterlogged, indeed.
I will try to keep this page updated as I can but it's only possible right now for me to sit here for about an hour at a time, because I get that edgy yet sleepy feeling...ugh. I wanted to beg em to drill a hole in my head and just let it get out on it's own. The doctor was not amused.
Waterlogged, indeed.